Dark Symphony (Dark Series - book 10) Read online

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  “You have no idea what an experience it would be.” His tone held a blatant sexual appeal. There was no mistaking it.

  He was flirting with her. The idea was both exhilarating and frightening. “I need my dark glasses.” She couldn’t bear the thought of him staring into her dead eyes, seeing the scars, while she was going up in flames at the sound of his voice.

  “Why? It is dark in your room. There is not even a small sliver of moon able to get through the clouds this night. And it is just me here with you.” His fingers brushed her face. Feather-light. Tracing her high cheekbones, her wide, generous mouth. There was possession in the way he touched her, a man’s clear interest.

  Antonietta inhaled sharply, pressed back against the pillows, afraid she had made a fool of herself. “What are you doing?”

  “Touching you. Feeling your skin. Maybe tonight did not scare you, but it terrified me. I have to know you are safe, so just sit there and let me do this.”

  “Byron, you’re not making any sense. Of course I’m safe. I’m here in the palazzo, safe in my bed, thanks to you.” She tried to be practical. Antonietta was always practical, even in her bed in a frivolous white lace nightgown.

  He caught the nape of her neck, pulled her toward him. His mouth settled on hers and the earth moved. Shifted. Stilled. Antonietta melted. Byron burned. The kiss deepened into something molten; it was tender, hot, and merciless, all at the same time. The world exploded into a sizzling heat neither could recover from. Sparks leapt over skin, arced through them. Lightning danced in their veins.

  Antonietta simply merged with him. She belonged. Had always belonged. Lord Byron, her dark, brooding poet with his black velvet voice and his mysterious ways. She gave herself up to him, embraced the magic of the moment, pouring the fiery passion welling up inside of her into her response, matching him heartbeat for heartbeat, flame for flame.

  Byron growled deep in his throat, sounding more beast than man. He lifted his head just inches away from her. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  His breath was warm on her skin. His lips brushed the corner of her mouth. A caress? A tease? An accident? She had no idea which. Antonietta shook her head, touching her burning lips to make certain she wasn’t locked in a dream. “How could I possibly know? You have never said anything to indicate you’re attracted to me.” It was difficult to talk. To maintain any semblance of normalcy when she wanted him with every fiber of her being.

  “Attracted to you?” There was a derisive note in his voice, self-mocking. “I hardly call what I feel, when I am anywhere near you, attraction. I burn for you. Every waking moment, I burn for you.”

  Antonietta shifted back away from him, pushing deeper into the pillows. She pressed her trembling fingertips to her lips. She could still taste him. She could still feel him deep inside her as if he’d burrowed into her skin and wrapped himself tightly around her heart. “You’ve never said anything. Never.”

  Music was rioting in her mind, clear melodic notes begging to be given freedom. She clearly heard the sharper notes. The off-key tones. The sudden clashing of the cymbals, striking a discordant note. “After all this time, you suddenly decide you want me? I’m to believe it has nothing whatsoever to do with who I am? Just my good looks?” She forced the ugly accusation out, even when everything inside of her screamed at her to stay silent, to take what he offered for whatever his reasons. She might have done so had he been anyone other than Byron.

  She felt the movement as his weight left her bed, but she couldn’t hear a sound. The silence stretched until she wanted to give in to the tears burning behind her eyes. She lifted her chin and waited instead. Damn him for letting her make a fool of herself.

  “I never once considered you might be a coward.” His tone was thoughtful, not accusing. “You have such confidence in yourself. I have watched you perform in front of ten thousand people. You even walk onto the stage alone, without an escort.”

  Antonietta could hear the note of admiration in his voice.

  He must be standing by the stained glass window, turned away from her, where the clear resonance of his tones was slightly muffled. She had deliberately worn the white lace in hopes of enticing him, and she was angrier with herself than with him for his reaction. Was she a coward? She never thought of herself that way.

  “The first time I saw you was at a concert. I could not take my eyes off of you. You were so beautiful with the lights on your shining hair. You walked with perfect confidence, without hesitation, straight to the piano. You took my breath away, and you had not played a single note.”

  His voice moved away from the window, toward the door. Antonietta’s heart beat loudly in reaction, terrified he would leave her and not return. She knew almost nothing about him. Byron. Man of mystery. The man filling her dreams. “My hair is streaked with gray, and I’m hardly beautiful, Byron, but thank you for the compliment.” Her hand fluttered to her throat to hide her rapidly beating pulse. He said the sight of her robbed him of breath, yet his words alone left her breathless.

  He laughed. It was a shocking reaction and the last thing she expected, given her precarious emotions. “Why would you think your hair is streaked with gray? Your hair shines like a raven’s wing. If there is silver, it only adds to the depth and richness of your color. No one else has such beautiful hair. Surely you know that.”

  Antonietta squirmed under the sincerity of his words. She searched on the nightstand for her dark glasses, feeling more naked without the eye covering than with the lace barely skimming her body. Byron didn’t help her as he normally would have. He was always the perfect gentleman, opening doors and placing her things close to her fingertips without a word.

  “How is my grandfather?” She should have asked him immediately instead of reacting to his presence like a schoolgirl. She needed a way to get the spotlight off of her and her all too noticeable reaction to him. “You spent a long time with him.”

  “Don Giovanni is fine. I removed the poison from his body, and he is sleeping peacefully. I also examined the other members of your household.”

  Behind her dark glasses, Antonietta closed her eyes, feeling more foolish than ever. She could walk onto a stage and take command, but here, in her own home with this one man, she felt foolish. He had the strangest effect on her. She didn’t want to think of him alone in a bedroom with her cousin Tasha. She fought to keep her voice cool. “Had any of them been poisoned?” She fought to keep from imagining Byron bending over Tasha in her bed when so many men were so vocal about her cousin’s perfect body.

  “Strangely enough, yes. Your cousin Paul had traces of the same poison in his system. Very small amounts. He also had been drugged just as Don Giovanni, and, I suspect, you had been. Not that it makes him innocent. In fact, it is interesting that he was drugged yet not dragged to the cliff.”

  Byron was closer to her. She couldn’t stand being in bed, sitting there helplessly while he prowled like a great tiger around her bedroom. She tossed the covers to one side, intending to stand up, but with the terrible silence of a stalking cat, he was at the side of the bed. She could feel the bulk of his body, feel the heat radiating from him. Her hand accidentally brushed the hard column of his thigh. Her entire body clenched in reaction. Heat spread and pooled into a sweet ache. It was just possibly the worst night of her life. At the very least, the most embarrassing.

  Antonietta swallowed hard. “Paul was drugged and poisoned? Are you certain?” She was uneasy with the soft growl to his voice when he said Paul’s name. He sounded almost threatening, and it frightened her.

  “Yes he was. I want to check you, not only for the drug, but for poison. I think you are going to have to consider that this was a personal attack on both you and your grandfather and possibly Paul, although why he was not thrown into the sea I cannot fathom. He would represent more of a threat than you, I would imagine. I also searched the palazzo. Someone went through the drawers in your office, leaving everything a mess, but I suspect it was
to keep the police from finding out that what really happened here tonight was an attempt on your lives.”

  “I was awake still, I do remember being sleepy, although normally I go to bed in the early hours of dawn.” She couldn’t prevent the faint blush stealing into her cheeks. Byron would know her sleeping habits better than most. “Perhaps they broke in expecting us to be drugged and Grandfather and I were both still up. Maybe they tried to kill us out of fear.”

  “You do not believe that. The first time I met Don Giovanni, his car had gone off the cliffs and was falling onto the rocks below. I only managed to get him out seconds before the car hit the rocks and was mangled. He was lucky I happened by.”

  “His brakes failed. It happens, Byron.” But she was be ginning to believe he might be right. “Why would someone want to kill


  ? He’s loved by everyone.”

  “Money. It has been my experience with humans, it is nearly always about money. And you and your grandfather have far more than most people.”

  My experience with humans. She had come to know Byron for all his mysterious ways. He had used the expression deliberately. Just as he was deliberately crowding so close to her body. Just as he had deliberately brought up her grandfather’s impossible rescue. She remembered the story well. Don Giovanni told everyone who would listen the absurd and totally unbelievable tale of the rescue from his vehicle as it fell over the cliff. The door torn from the hinges in midair and being pulled out to find himself on the cliff with Byron, his newfound friend. Byron merely smiled when the story was related, neither confirming nor denying the impossible story. Antonietta had come to believe it.

  Tonight he carried her through the wind and clouds. She felt the rush of air on her face and her feet had not skimmed the ground. As ridiculous and as impossible as it was, she was certain he had carried her through the sky. If he could do that, he could pull her grandfather from a car plunging onto the rocks. A fairy tale. But she lived a fairy tale, so she knew all things were possible.

  Antonietta rubbed her temple, forcing herself to marshal her thoughts and focus on the threat on her life and that of her grandfather. “You are implying someone in my own family, someone I love, would try to kill mio


  ? Would try to kill me? Maybe even Paul?”

  Byron’s fingertips skimmed her forehead, tucked stray tendrils of hair behind her ears, removed the dark glasses. Found her temples and lingered for a moment until the throbbing had ceased. “I think you have to at least entertain the possibility, Antonietta. No one likes to suspect their loved ones of such things, but avarice and jealousy are sins that have led many to murder.” His hand dropped to her shoulder, gently but deliberately pressing her back against the sheets. “Your grandfather runs a very successful company. You inherited your father’s stocks, his entire estate, so you actually own more shares of stock than any other family member. It is no secret that your grandfather relies heavily upon your advice. Your cousin Paul has taken no interest in the company. Your cousin Franco works hard, but he committed a grave error when he listened to his wife and she poisoned his mind with her constant nagging. Your grandfather has never trusted him since it came to light that he took a great deal of money in exchange for inside information into the bidding for contracts. That is common knowledge,

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  , it was a very public scandal. Tasha has no interest in the company, would sell it in a heartbeat and spend the money within the first year. Again, it is no secret your grandfather intends to leave everything to you. If he does that, you would own more of the company than the others, unless they could get together and combine their stock.”

  “Have you forgotten I’m blind? It would be difficult for me to run the company efficiently with such a handicap. I would have to rely tremendously on others.”

  “It is not a handicap for you, Antonietta, it is an asset. In the boardroom you sit quietly without speaking. They treat you as if you are deaf as well as blind, and you are able to glean information that way. You use it to your advantage.”

  “How do you know these things?” Her hand went defensively to her throat, covered the telltale pulse beating so rapidly there. What other things did he know about her? There was much she did in her grandfather’s boardroom, using methods best not known or spoken of to get the results they needed.

  “And then you have Justine Travis. She is your eyes and ears and seemingly completely loyal to you.”

  “Justine is a treasure,” Antonietta agreed. “I went through hundreds of applicants for an assistant, and I’m so grateful that I waited to hire the perfect person.” She tilted her head, frowning as a sudden chill went down her spine. The air in the bedroom stilled. The palazzo held its breath. “What do you mean, seemingly loyal? There is no question about it. I pay Justine an enormous salary, and that aside, she’s my friend and confidante, has been for years, and I trust her implicitly.”

  “Is she? Does she confide in you? Does she tell you her personal life?”

  She could hear the wind rise, rattle the great stained glass windows. An ominous sound in light of the conversation. “Justine is a very private person, as am I. We don’t share every detail.”

  “Were you aware she is in a relationship with Paul?” He asked it quietly, watching her face, knowing he was hurting her but having no other way to make her see she was surrounded by people she loved who had reasons to betray her. Even he had a hidden agenda, one she would not like but he knew was necessary.

  Antonietta felt the twist of pain in the region of her heart, but she kept her chin up. She could feel the weight of his stare, knew he registered every small nuance of her expression. She didn’t want him to know he’d scored a hit. She had an acute sense of smell. More than once she had been certain Paul was in the room when he hadn’t been. She realized his scent must have been on Justine. “My assistant is entitled to any relationship she chooses to have. And that includes Paul.”

  “Even if that divides her loyalty?”

  “I trust Justine. She’s been with me for years. I might point out I have known you only a short while.”

  Again he laughed softly, his response unexpected. He didn’t seem to take offense but was amused by her reaction. “I think you have a built-in radar for people who are allies, which is one of the reasons your grandfather prefers to have you in on every major deal.”

  “If you think that, Byron, then it is unnecessary to tell me things about my family and the people I regard as family.” In spite of her intention to keep her tone neutral, she sounded faintly haughty, even to her own ears.

  “Oh, but your family is an entirely different matter. You refuse to listen to your warning system.”

  “I have a warning system?”

  “Absolutely you do. I suspect you have other gifts as well that are an asset to you.” His hand on her shoulder still held her in place, preventing her from rising as his intention was to examine her body for the aftereffects of drugs and to see if she had the same poison in her body as her grandfather.

  It was a measure of how Byron managed to mesmerize everyone and everything that she didn’t protest his pinning her to the bed. She would never allow anyone else to dictate her movements, yet she couldn’t manage to voice a protest. And how could he know such things? “Who are you, Byron?”

  There was a small silence. The room seemed filled with the fragrance of flowers. She inhaled the scent, took it deep into her lungs. Several candles were burning, she could tell by the faint odor of the wick along with an unfamiliar aroma.

  “Right at this moment,


  , I am your healer.”

  Antonietta lay all the way back against the pillows at his urging. She couldn’t help but put her hand over her eyes.

  “Why do you do that?” Byron gently removed her hand and stroked her eyelids, stroked around her eyes.

  For one heart-stopping moment she was certain he was tracing the lines of her scars. She didn’
t dare breathe. The earth stopped spinning in just the way it had when he kissed her. She reached up to catch his wrist. “I don’t like people to stare at my scars.”

  “Scars? You mean these small, thin lines one needs a microscope to see?” Byron shifted closer to her, leaning down so that his breath was warm on her face. She knew he was peering at her eyes, but all she could think about was how close his mouth was to her skin. “I have scars much worse than those. Do physical imperfections bother you?”

  There was silence. His lips, velvet soft, brushed her eyes. Brushed the corners with exquisite tenderness. For a moment she couldn’t find her voice. She forced air through her lungs. “No, of course not, how could any physical imperfection possibly bother me? I can’t see, Byron.” She hated that he might think she would be so shallow as to care about someone else’s scars. “I know my face is a mess from the accident.” She shrugged, trying to look casual. “It happened a long time ago, and I’ve learned to live with it.”

  Byron settled his weight on the bed beside her. He was beginning to understand. “Someone told you that you had scars.” He didn’t want to think how difficult it would be for a little girl to lose her parents and her eyesight and be told she had terrible scars.

  “I wanted to know.” She excused her cousin.

  “She lied to you. You do not have to tell me who told you such a lie. I know who it was. Tasha has a malicious mouth on her when she thinks another woman is getting too much attention. I can see that she would have a difficult time with you. You are beautiful and talented and unafraid of hard work.” His fingertip brushed along her skin again. “You have several very thin white lines along the outside edge of your right eye. The lines are not at all noticeable unless you are looking for them. Around your left eye, you have several small white lines, again barely visible. There is one larger scar running from your temple to the corner of your eye. It is not unsightly, but it is wider than the other scars.” Byron deliberately kept his tone clinical. He had a sudden urge to go to Tasha’s room and bare his fangs, allow her to see what could make an unattractive scar. He traced the longer line, showing Antonietta the slight curve. “In some countries, when an item is made for a home, a small flaw is added because it is believed that if something is too perfect, evil will be drawn to the maker.”


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