Judgment Road (Torpedo Ink #1) Read online

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  She spread antibiotic cream over the raw lacerations and then gently wrapped gauze around his hand. She took his left hand and did the same thing, brushing her lips gently over the wounds. Her lashes lifted and she looked up at him. Those green eyes did something to him. He couldn’t look away, not even when she dropped her gaze to his hand and applied the ointment and wrapped his knuckles. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  She hadn’t asked him questions, or argued about sleeping downstairs. How could he explain he could sleep indoors surrounded by his brothers and the girls, but not in a bedroom upstairs where there was only the two of them? That it didn’t feel safe? She hadn’t gotten upset when he’d knocked her hand away when all she’d wanted to do was touch his body the way he touched hers. He couldn’t explain his reasons for that either, but he had to give her something.

  “Anya … I wouldn’t be in this house if you weren’t here. It’s our house. I want you to make it a home for us.”

  She smiled at him. “That’s good, because I have all kinds of ideas. I wasn’t lying when I told you I was good at this. I’m excited to help Alena with the restaurant as well. She told me she’d teach me to ride. I had no idea Lana and Alena had been riding as long as all of you.”

  His gut knotted. “Ride?” he echoed.

  She nodded. “I love being on the motorcycle. I had no idea how it could make me feel.”

  “Let’s learn to walk before you try to run, baby. Stay on my bike with me for a while.” Hell. If he was lucky, he’d knock her up, just like Ice suggested. That way she wouldn’t leave him, and she would forget all about wanting a bike of her own. He was going to strangle Alena. He knew damn well she’d made the offer on purpose just so she could laugh at him when he lost his mind. He wasn’t going to fall into Alena’s trap and protest though. He was going to bide his time.

  He wrapped his arm around Anya’s shoulders and pulled her back into him. “Can you do that for me? Just for a little while?”

  She smiled that beautiful smile, the one she reserved for him. “I can do that. Are you going to try to sleep? If you need me to, I’ll go upstairs, honey.”

  His gut clenched at the offer. He knew she wanted to sleep with him. A thousand reasons why she couldn’t ran through his mind. He was naked though. No weapons close. If he got his hands on her, he’d be able to pull back. “Stay here, this is good. I want to sleep next to you.” He did want to sleep next to her, more than anything.

  Her smile was worth all the anxiety he tucked away deep. She lay back and turned on her side, facing away from him. He knew she did it on purpose. He wrapped his body around hers, pulling her into him, his arm locking around her waist, his cock snug against her ass. He inhaled the scent of her hair. He fucking loved it. He had no idea it would feel like this to lie next to his woman, his arms around her, her hair in his face, feeling at peace. He’d never had that before either.

  A couple of hours later, Reaper jerked awake, his heart pounding, his fist wrapping in silky hair, already yanking up before he could stop himself. He had turned over in the night, onto his back. She lay across him, her hair sliding over his cock and thighs, that thick braid an erotic snake bent on destroying him.

  She gasped and he took her mouth, desperate to prevent her from seeing the demon and how close she’d come to innocently arousing him. He kissed her until neither of them could think. Then he took her on her hands and knees, her back to him, her hands occupied with keeping her body lifted off the blankets, although she went to her elbows, her breath coming out in singsong moans.

  After he held her, his heart still beating too hard, his mind in chaos. The sweet peace hadn’t lasted nearly as long as he needed it to.


  Lana drove the BMW right up to the front of the Ghost Club. She looked the handsome valet up and down with cool eyes, letting her gaze drift over him from head to toe and then back up to his groin speculatively. When she lifted her lashes, she smiled at him. He rushed around to open the door for her. She shifted in the seat, turned sideways and put both elegant legs out. She wore stockings that ended at the top of her thighs, held there by lacy black garters. Her skirt pulled up as she stepped out onto her two thousand-dollar, very high heels.

  He offered his hand, and she took it as if it was her due. She stood up gracefully, the skintight golden dress clinging to every curve. Her hair, black as a raven’s wing, swung around her face, drawing attention to the perfect oval, high cheekbones, luscious red mouth and long black lashes. Diamonds dripped from her ears on golden chains. She dropped her keys into his hand and watched with amusement as he rushed around the car to open the door for Alena.

  Alena complemented her, with her natural platinum hair wild and glossy, impossible to tame. Her eyes were icy blue, made even more startling because her lashes were long and dark. She wore red. Crimson. The material seemed burned into her skin, a stretchy lace that could have been shocking, but was only erotic. She smiled at the attendant as well. When she moved her head and her hair shifted, red rubies sparkled in her ears.

  Lana swept toward the door, Alena in perfect step with her. The parking valet watched them walk to the door of the club. He didn’t take his eyes off them until the door closed behind them. He stood there, as if in a daze, before his head jerked up as if coming out of a dream and he ran around and slid into the driver’s seat.

  From his vantage point on the roof across the street from the club, Preacher watched the entire drama play out through the scope of his rifle. Girls are in, he reported. Once Lana and Alena were safely inside, he switched his attention to the valet. He’s definitely the spotter. He’s chatting into his little radio no one is supposed to notice. Lana gave me the sign that he’s wired. You’ve got this, Lana, he’s marked you both.

  I made certain he noticed us, Lana returned, her voice filled with amusement. A little bit of leg and a lot of attitude gets them every time. He bit hard.

  Don’t overplay your hand. Make them come to you, Czar advised.

  No worries. Alena found us a table and we’re going to sit, drink, and talk. I’m using the cash. Flashing it. Gave valet boy a nice tip.

  Preacher turned his attention to the street and alley. From his position, he could see partway down the alley, enough to cover Mechanic as he set up very powerful listening devices. He staggered around as if he’d been drinking, placing the tiny bugs along the very edge of the building and down along the stairway that led to the basement.

  Audio in place, Mechanic reported. Changing in the van and going in.

  Keys set up on the corner of the alley, pacing, looking at his watch, glancing at traffic as if waiting for a ride. I’m in position, he said. Have eyes on the inside of the basement, but can’t see anything but an empty room. Will change and follow Mechanic inside.

  Van’s in position, Transporter said. He had signs around warning people of high voltage, the manhole open and a vest on, just to complete the scene. I’ll tell you when it’s clear.

  Preacher used binoculars to sweep along the buildings, the rooftops, and then the street and alley. It was dark enough with several good places for his brothers to disappear. They were true phantoms in the night. The members of the Ghost Club were high-powered attorneys, corporate presidents, and CEOs of companies. These were men no one would ever guess were behind the Ghost Club, or that they might ride with colors into the territory of the Diamondbacks and demand a cut of everything they did.

  They weren’t taking the risks of running drugs or guns, counterfeiting, overseeing prostitution or human trafficking, they simply demanded a share or they would start slicing up the women the various clubs cared about. Code had meticulously worked to uncover identities, following the emails and chatter between various companies. It was all in their ridiculous encryption they thought no one would notice or break.

  Code was an elite hacker. His friend, Cat, a woman he’d never met, was as elite as he was. They often worked together to get through a particularly difficult firewal
l, and she’d helped him so the club could get the information fast. She followed one trail while he followed another, both working through the night and all the next day to find various members.

  Those in the Ghost Club thought themselves invisible, impossible to find even if a club came after them. They used outside resources to do their dirty work, to ride Harleys, wear colors and approach the other clubs. They had others who enticed club members to gamble. Their tentacles reached not just to motorcycle clubs, but many businesses. Those men sat back in their corporate offices, certain of their own safety, getting richer, more powerful, and feeling very entitled.

  You’re clear, Preacher said. Hurry though.

  Mechanic and Keys emerged from the van dressed in dark suits that easily cost several thousand dollars. They looked like wealthy Russians, in town for a few short days just to relax and have a little fun, maybe pick up women for a night or two. They were tall, good-looking, with a few facial scars, just enough to look interesting.

  They talked to each other in their native language, pausing just outside the club to crush out a Russian cigarette, giving the valet a good look at them. They didn’t deign to look at the kid in his uniform, they just pulled open the ornate door and sauntered in like they owned the place.

  He took the bait, Preacher reported. He’s chatting into his radio.

  We’re getting an audio feed. The casino is in full swing, Code reported. I can hear a couple of employees talking about Lana and Alena. Girls, you’ve got a few of them excited.

  Shame on us. Alena purred her response, keeping in character. We’ve had several drinks sent to our table already. Hard to flash money, but giving generous tips to the waitress. Let her catch a glimpse of the roll of cash. And no, Czar, we weren’t obvious about it.

  The club was crowded, the light dim, the music loud. The dance floor was packed and nearly every table taken. Alena watched as the bartender slipped one man in a suit a thin card, much like the key to a hotel room. He did it when he handed the man a drink.

  “Look alive, Alena,” Lana said, leaning across the table to touch Alena’s hand, laughing softly to give the illusion she was telling her friend something funny. “Looks like we’ve got a fish on the hook. Maybe a whale. Look at his cuff links.” Her brothers could hear everything she said.

  A man loomed over them, coming up to the table to stand between them. “Ladies.” He was very good-looking and he knew it, giving them a smile that might have fluttered a few hearts. “Welcome to the Ghost Club. I’m Raul, the manager. If there’s anything I can help you with, just let me know.”

  Lana gave him her beautiful smile. “It’s our first time here. Alena came to visit, and I want to show her a good time in my hometown. This is a beautiful club. I thought we might dance, drink, find some friends. Maybe go to the Lucky Lady Casino just for added fun. I’ve been there a few times and want to show Alena a good time.” She named a casino frequented by many San Franciscans and tourists.

  Lana’s voice was friendly and open, but throaty, husky, sounding like sin. She ran her finger up and down the tabletop as if stroking it. Once she crossed her legs, allowing the slit in her clingy dress to show off her thigh and just a peek of her sexy garter. The manager’s eyes strayed several times to her legs.

  “I think our club can provide you with dance, drinks and maybe a friend or two,” Raul answered.

  Lana looked around, taking in all the suits and ties. “Looks that way. I think we’ve found our new favorite place to unwind.”

  “What do you do?” Raul asked.

  Lana shrugged. “The two of us started a little company, one that makes apps for businesses such as this. Mobile apps. It’s all the rage and very useful.” Her fingers tapped on the tabletop. “Alena oversees our employees in San Diego, and I work out of San Francisco.”

  “Really?” Raul looked very interested. “What’s the name of your company?”

  Code had created a company for them overnight. He’d built the website, the facts, adding them to the Forbes entrepreneurs under thirty, putting their fake company and the stats there.

  One hundred and thirty million. That should entice Raul. Two bored women with more money than they know what to do with. They’ve already casually mentioned a casino. He’ll take the bait, Preacher said.

  “Perhaps my club would benefit from such a thing.”

  “On the Move,” Lana said, sounding bored. She wasn’t there to work, she was there to play and she wanted that very clear. “We can send a rep if you’re interested.” She wanted to make it clear as well, she didn’t sell her own product.

  Raul glanced toward the bar. Immediately his phone beeped. He gave them a rueful smile. “I’ll be back in a moment. Can I have Dirk send you drinks on the house?”

  “We’ve got more than we can handle right here,” Alena declined, her hand sweeping along the array of drinks in front of them. They couldn’t take a chance on getting any new drinks from the bar just in case they were drugged.

  “Good to meet you, ladies. Enjoy your evening.” Raul turned away from them, looking at his phone.

  He’s checking on the company. Yeah, he fell for it. Mechanic and Keys are getting the same treatment from a female manager. Interesting, Czar said.

  Are you getting anything from the tunnels?

  Some chatter. It’s pretty quiet. There’s a woman down there for certain. She’s crying, but very softly. I heard two men talking in low voices, Transporter said. I’m trying to clean up the audio now. The walls are thick.

  The club members had learned from childhood to be patient. To be precise and meticulous about details. Lana and Alena ignored Raul. They danced several dances with different men. Keys asked Lana to dance, and Mechanic asked Alena. They chatted but stayed in their roles, knowing they were being watched. Keys made a move to join Lana and Alena, but they just shook their heads, declining the invitation. The two men shrugged and went on the hunt for other women. They had no trouble picking up partners.

  Raul seemed to make his rounds and then came back to their table. “Are you having a good time?”

  Lana nodded. “It’s been fun.” She picked up her small clutch and fiddled with the catch. “We’ll definitely be back again. Nice club.” She made it clear she was ready to go.

  Raul had a thin card in his hand. It had a bar code on one end. “For some VIPs we have a little place that is far more fun, especially if you like to gamble.”

  “What kind of gambling?” Lana tipped her head up. Alena put her chin in her hand and looked up at the manager as if interested for the first time.

  “Cards, craps, roulette. You name it, we have it.” He kept his voice low.

  “I don’t know. I’m damn good at cards,” Lana said. “I don’t lose. It’s a thing I’ve got with numbers. Someplace small, they get upset. I like this club and want to be able to come back, so I think I’ll pass.”

  “You’re that good?” Raul put a little sneer into his voice.

  “She is,” Alena assured. “I’m better at craps, but I’ve never won big the way she does at cards. I’m a sometimes-big winner.”

  Raul concentrated his attention on Lana. “I think you’ll find we accommodate winners here as well. Would you like to try? It’s exclusive and illegal.”

  The two women looked at each other and then broke into smiles. Lana brought her purse in close. “We’re in.”

  “Follow me, ladies,” he said.

  Lana and Alena stood up, glanced casually around the room to see that several players had been selected. Keys and Mechanic were among them.

  One diversion coming up. Give us a half hour to wreak havoc. I’m going to break their stupid bank. Take these assholes down.

  Don’t get cocky, Lana, Czar cautioned. You stick to the plan. You’re the diversion. Win big. If all four of you win at separate things, you’ll cause a commotion. They’ll pull off security in the basement to get to the casino. Don’t do anything that will have them putting a gun to your head.

bsp; They do that, Alena said, and I’ll burn this club down around their ears.

  Innocent people are partying there, Czar reminded.

  You’re such a downer, Czar, Lana said. You let the tigers out to play with the lambs and now you say don’t hurt them.

  Damn it, the goal is to get Hammer’s woman out, not have fun, Lana.

  Lana made tsking noises and the sway of her hips became more exaggerated. The casino was far larger than she thought it could be. She took a good look around so the tiny camera in her necklace could pick up everything and feed it to Transporter and the others in the van. Alena, Keys and Mechanic did the same. They had separated, to wander through different areas so they could record every detail of the room. They also wanted to be in four separate sections so there was no way, when the owners reviewed the tapes, that they could look like they were working together.

  Lana won immediately, the first three hands. She dropped out several times, lost a couple more hands, but losing only a few hundred, and then she won consistently, hand after hand. It was rare for her to drop out, but when she didn’t, she was either bluffing or she had the winning cards. It wasn’t long before others were watching.

  Alena took her time, playing a few hands of blackjack. Going to one of the slot machines and then making her way to the craps table. Like Lana, she won a few and lost a few. She’d nearly lost all of her chips when she suddenly went on a winning streak. She was vocal about her wins, and soon quite a few people abandoned what they were doing and gathered around her at the craps table, placing their bets based on what she did. Very soon, she wasn’t the only big winner.

  Mechanic chose the slot machines, the ones with the biggest payouts. Any machine responded to his touch. Tumblers dropped, skipped, the big wins popping up so that chaos reigned. The noise blared loudly, declaring him a grand prize winner. It was five hundred thousand. He played it off when the manager hurried to his side, checking to make certain he’d really won. Others gathered around him, excited for him. He was given the money right there. It was an underground casino, no taxes reported because one couldn’t report the income.


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