Dark Symphony (Dark Series - book 10) Page 10
Tasha sniffed her disdain loudly, drawing the officer’s interest. “I see,” he said when he clearly did not. “Please continue.”
“I heard my grandfather go into the sea, and I fought harder, although how I could aid him, I didn’t know. But then Byron came. He fought with the man who attacked me and then he told me to stay still. I could hear the wind shrieking and the waves thundering. The storm was furious, and even the ground shook and rumbled beneath us. And then Byron had my grandfather safe and was helping him to breathe, to get the water out of his lungs. They were both soaked with seawater and we were all so cold.” She shivered at the memory. “I can’t help you with a description of these men, although the one carrying me was tall and very muscular. His hair was short, and he was enormously strong.”
“And where is this man now? Where is the man who attacked you?”
“I believe he is dead. I don’t know for certain.”
There was a short silence. “I do not see how this man, this Byron Justicano, was able to get your grandfather to shore. It is many feet from the cliff to the sea below. I doubt if it’s possible to live through a dive into the sea at night. And last night the waves were high, and the storm was great.”
There was a small silence. The air thickened. A shadow grew over the room. Tasha and the officer exchanged uneasy glances. Even the hair on the backs of their necks stood up in response to the sudden menacing atmosphere. Tasha rubbed her arms against a sudden chill.
Antonietta shrugged tranquilly as if she didn’t notice. “You asked me what happened, and I told you. It’s up to you whether or not you wish to believe me.”
“Why weren’t we called immediately?”
“You were called. I called the doctor to assist my grandfather, and I went to my quarters to shower and warm up. It was nearly dawn. I’m sorry I went to sleep, but we were both exhausted. Surely the housekeeper allowed you access to the music room and showed you where my grandfather was taken and also the site at the cliff.”
“Yes, she did, but we could not wake you or your grandfather to speak to you, and the cliff site raised more questions than answers. There is evidence of a struggle, even of someone going over the cliff. We could see where your grandfather lay and evidence of someone kneeling beside him. But it is impossible, Signorina Scarletti, for a man to pull a drowning man from the sea and bring him all the way to the top of the cliff again. Why was your grandfather taken all the way back up the cliff? That is the question.”
“Perhaps because a blind woman who was alone in a raging storm at the edge of that cliff needed help, too?”
“I think I can help, signor,” Tasha said, her voice a soft invitation. “This man
speaks so much of, Byron Justicano, he is a stranger to us. A fortune hunter out for my cousin’s wealth. She is worth so much, the palazzo, the shipping company, her private trust. This is common knowledge. He seems to turn up at the most opportune times. How could he rescue a man from the sea? How could he save Antonietta at the same time? Do you see how ridiculous this story is? Of course he must be involved. And you heard Antonietta admit she thinks her assailant is dead. Dead by Byron’s own hand and perhaps drowned in the very sea that nearly took my cousin.” Tasha allowed a small sob to escape and reached to take Antonietta’s wrist. “He is a seducer of innocents and a master criminal. You must save us all from this man. I must count on the kindness I see in your magnificent eyes, otherwise, there is no hope to save my dearest cousin from this man.”
Antonietta would have laughed if she could have found her voice. She opened her mouth, but no sound emerged. Tasha so easily made up stories to suit her mood or her cause. She had just delivered Byron as a suspect to her handsome policeman. And she had betrayed Antonietta’s confidence without a single thought.
Antonietta turned her head in Byron’s direction.
You’re here, aren’t you? You heard my cousin tell the captain these lies about you. I’m sorry she’s caused you trouble. She wants him to see her as a woman. Do not distress yourself over me, Antonietta. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.
There was a bite to his voice, the impression of strong teeth snapping together. The image was so strong in her mind, Antonietta envisioned a great shaggy wolf eyeing prey. She knew he was in the room, her every sense was on full alert. How could Tasha be so careless as to condemn him while he stood right in the same room with them?
Byron sauntered into one of the many alcoves, materializing behind the thick, wide fronds of several potted trees. He emerged from the greenery slowly, scanning the policeman as he did so, planting memories of an introduction and sending waves of warmth. He didn’t bother to cover up for Tasha. She had the intricate Scarletti pattern in her brain. And he wanted her to be startled and uncomfortable, simply because she had upset Antonietta.
“Good evening,” he greeted formally as he glided forward. “I am afraid Tasha’s insecurities are showing, Captain. She is easily upset, and tonight the young child was injured.” Deliberately stopping in front of her, Byron took Antonietta’s hand away from Tasha and raised it to his mouth. He opened her fingers and pressed a soft kiss into the exact center of her palm. A slow, unhurried movement. Calm and deliberate and blatantly possessive. He lingered there for a moment, his thumb sliding over her skin.
Byron turned his head slowly and looked at Tasha. For a moment, in the dim lighting of the solarium, his eyes appeared to glow a fiery red. His teeth gleamed an amazing white and appeared, just for that second in time to Tasha, sharp and long, much like a wolf. She blinked and saw he was smiling, bowing low in a courtly, charming gesture.
“Tasha, my dear, I am sorry that your poor nerves suffered so on your cousin’s behalf, but there is no need for hysterics. She is truly safe, and the captain and I will keep her that way.” His voice was velvet soft, a blend of slight male amusement and arrogance, yet very compelling.
Byron turned the full force of his hypnotic voice and his mesmerizing eyes on the captain. “It is not so difficult to believe, with the evidence supporting every word Don Giovanni and Antonietta say. They are, of course, above reproach, and you have no trouble believing them. You are most concerned with protecting them. As we are good friends and you know it is my greatest concern, you wish to join with me, sharing with me all you know about this attack on them and aiding me in their protection.” His tone held such purity and goodness, it was impossible to do other than agree.
Tasha stared at the two men in utter horror. Byron bared his teeth at her again.
Diego clapped him on the shoulder in a comradely way. “It’s good you were here, old friend, or we might have had a grave tragedy. Signora Scarletti-Fontaine, surely you can see Byron has saved your grandfather and your cousin from certain death. Your family owes him a great deal.”
Antonietta couldn’t help but be swayed by Byron’s velvet voice, but she noticed she couldn’t quite remember his exact words. Only the tone. The perfect, pure tone. Her chin lifted.
Do you do that to me? What to you?
The laughter in his voice set her teeth on edge. Male amusement could wear thin very fast.
Mesmerize me with your voice so you get full cooperation. I try to mesmerize you with my kisses. My voice does not work on you. If only it would. My fondest dream would come true.
She wasn’t touching that. It was far too unsettling to be sitting with others yet carrying on a private, intimate conversation that was flirting with sensuality. “Do you have the information you need, Captain?” She spoke to the officer, but her focus was on Byron. Every cell in her body was aware of him. Obsession. It was an uncomfortable feeling and one she didn’t care for.
I feel the same way.
It was a deliberate reminder that he could read her thoughts. Antonietta had a great deal of pride, and Byron was well aware that craving a man would make her feel vulnerable and unsettled.
Tasha leapt up, her hands on her hips. “That’s it? That’s all the questions you
’re going to ask him? Byron Justicano is not at all what he seems. How did he get into this house? How does he ever get in? Why don’t you ask him that!”
Byron swung his head around, his dark brows raised. Again she caught that fiery red glow, a devil’s warning when he looked directly at her. “I turn into tiny molecules and seep under the doors. Take care you do not leave your window open, you never know what might creep in.” He laughed softly, and the captain joined him.
Antonietta went still. She had no idea how Byron defeated their state-of-the-art security system. He often simply appeared in a room. She knew he was there immediately, even though others didn’t seem aware of his presence. His entrance was always silent and instantaneous. She couldn’t remember him coming through the door unless he met them on the grounds.
How do you get in? I thought I knew what you were, but even then, you couldn’t just appear in a room.
Antonietta had the impression of laughter, yet there was no sound. And he didn’t answer her.
“That isn’t funny, Byron,” Tasha snapped, “and it isn’t an answer. Where do you live? What’s the address? How come no one knows where you live?” She tapped her foot impatiently as she glared at Diego. “Do you even have his address down? Could you find him if he did turn out to be part of a plot to get my cousin’s fortune?”
“Byron wouldn’t inherit if I died, Tasha,” Antonietta said. She stood up, knowing they would make way for her on the path winding through the flowers and shrubs. “You do. I doubt if Byron would gain from my death at all, or
Tasha shrieked. “What are you saying? What are you accusing me of doing? Did I drag you to the cliffs and throw you over? What are you saying?”
“I’m saying leave Byron alone. He risked his life to save
and me. There is no need for you to pursue this any further.”
Few people argued with Antonietta when she was serious. Not even Tasha. Glowering, Tasha left the room, two bright spots of color on her cheeks and her eyes promising retaliation.
Byron reached for Antonietta’s hand. “Do you need anything else, Diego?” His voice was friendly, filled with camaraderie. “Please do tell us what you know.”
“It isn’t much, I’m afraid.” The captain responded instantly to Byron’s tone. “We don’t even have the body of the man you pulled off of Signorina Scarletti. It isn’t on the cliffs, although it is possible the sea has swallowed it.”
“I thought he hit his head as he fell. He did not get up, but I had to carry Don Giovanni to the palazzo, and I did not check him as I should have.” Byron spoke easily with a casual shrug of regret. “It all happened very quickly.”
“That is usually the way of it.” Diego sighed and stared after Tasha. “She is a beautiful woman.”
Byron felt Antonietta’s fingers tighten around his. “Yes, she is,” she responded. “Tasha loves children, and she is very distraught over little Margurite’s accident. Do you think that ties into this attack on us?”
“I am certain your grandfather was meant to be harmed,” Diego said.
“What of the security cameras? Is there nothing on tape to show how they got in and how they could move about so freely in the palazzo without triggering an alarm?” Byron asked quietly. He felt the small shiver that ran through Antonietta, and he drew her beneath the shelter of his broad shoulder.
“They had to have known the code to get into the house, and they knew where the security room was to shut down the system.”
There was a small silence. Antonietta did her best not to sag against Byron. Not to reveal her emotions when she wanted to cry out at the betrayal. Someone in the palazzo, someone had to have aided her assailants. She rested her head against Byron. Behind the dark glasses, she closed her eyes tightly against the pain piercing her heart. Her family. She loved them desperately with all their idiosyncrasies. The thought that any of her family could possibly be involved in a plot to murder Don Giovanni was inconceivable.
The one thing that I have learned in this long life is to never jump to conclusions.
The voice purred in her mind, stroked heat and hope deep inside where a great, gaping hole had been torn. Just like that. With a few simple words and a magic voice, Byron had managed to heal her.
“Signorina? I believe you must be very careful until we find who is behind this attempt on your life and that of Don Giovanni,” Diego warned.
Byron noted how often his gaze strayed to the hallway where Tasha paced just outside the solarium. He leaned closer to the man, looked him directly in his eyes to reinforce a powerful feeling of friendship and trust. “That is a good idea. Antonietta, I think being careful is very much in order. Are we finished here, Diego? Perhaps Tasha would be willing to provide you with a cup of tea while you talk to the kitchen staff about the disappearance of Enrico.” He pulled Antonietta beneath the protection of his shoulder.
“I’m certain she would,” Antonietta agreed. More than anything she wanted to be alone with Byron. She needed to be alone with him.
“I think that would be best,” Diego said immediately. “
, for your time, Signorina Scarletti. I will be in touch.”
Antonietta allowed Byron to retain her hand, although normally she made it a point to walk on her own. It was forbidden to move furniture in the palazzo, and she knew where every plant, chair, and table was. Byron Justicano was under her protection. She wanted to make it very clear to her family that they were to accept his presence in her home and in her life.
“Please come this way, Captain. Tasha is just outside.” It was easy enough to identify the restless pacing. And she knew her cousin. Tasha wouldn’t have gone far when she was so interested in the policeman.
Byron opened the door and stepped back to allow Antonietta to proceed him. As she went past, he whispered in her ear, “I brought a surprise for you.”
Tasha swung around instantly as they emerged from the solarium, her large, dark eyes resting on Diego. “Do you have any idea who would do this?”
“Not yet, signora.”
“Tasha!” Her lips formed a perfect pout. “If you don’t call me Tasha, I’m afraid I won’t answer. Signora Scarletti-Fontaine is so formal.” Ignoring Byron, she stepped close to Antonietta and kissed her cheek. “I’m sorry, cousin. You know why,” she whispered. Her voice was low, but Byron’s acute hearing heard the words clearly.
Antonietta nodded. “Tasha, would you have time to take the captain to the kitchen and tell the staff to be most cooperative? Byron brought me a surprise, and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind showing Diego whatever else he needs to complete his report.”
Tasha’s entire face lit up. “Of course I’ll show him around, Antonietta. Diego, please do come with me.” She tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow and gave him a smile designed to keep him focused on her.
“I would really like you to check on Margurite tonight,” Antonietta said. “She’ll be in the hospital overnight. I know she’s asleep, and they’re probably giving her painkillers, but if you can speed the healing process, I’d really like you to try.”
“I’ll go to her,” Byron agreed, “but at the moment her mother is with her, and it would be better if I went in when she was alone. I cannot heal her in front of her parents or even doctors. They would think I was the devil.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Antonietta conceded with a faint smile.
“I think you should take a look at my surprise. He’s been stuck out in the weather all this time waiting.”
“You brought someone?” For a moment her heart jumped. Did Byron have a son? She knew very little about him, although he visited often. Tasha had brought up a good point. No one really knew where Byron lived.
“In a manner of speaking,” Byron replied enigmatically. “The garden entrance… he’s waiting there.”
“You should have brought him inside,” Antonietta said.
sp; “Well, I brought him for you and hope you feel the same way when you meet him.” Byron opened the door and signaled to the borzoi.
Celt walked in majestically. True to his word, Byron had protected him against the storm, so his coat was completely dry. He went straight up to Antonietta and, as if knowing she was blind, thrust his head beneath her hand. His gaze was already fixed on her devotedly. Byron smiled. “I knew you would like her immediately,” he said to Celt.
Antonietta’s fingers sank into the silky fur in amazement. “A dog? You brought me a dog?”
“He is not just any dog.” Byron closed the door against the lashing rain and wind. “Celt is a companion and protector. He knows how to stay out of the way yet will always be with you, completely devoted. As long as this dog is with you, should there be need, I will be able to aid you, even if I am a great distance away.” He watched her face carefully for any indication of unease at his words. It wasn’t logical for Antonietta to accept his differences so easily, yet she never seemed to question him.
Antonietta dropped to her knees as she ran her hands over the dog’s powerful chest and down its back. “He’s very large. And he seems built to run. How will I ever be able to give him adequate exercise?” She wanted to keep the animal. The moment she touched the dog’s warmth, the moment she felt his long nose, gentle in her palm, she knew there was a connection. The dog was meant to be hers. She was desperate to have him, but at the same time she was aware of her limitations. “I want you to be happy.”
“Celt. His name is Celt. Borzois do not stay with people who make them unhappy. It is his choice, and judging by the way he has taken up position at your side, I would say he has made it. He needs rest and to regain his strength. His former owner was quite abusive. Apparently, Celt was owned by a young lady who had the misfortune to marry the wrong man. He was locked in a tiny pen where he could barely stand, and he was starved.”